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Saturday, April 2, 2011

"I used to shoot a lot better than this."

If you have been shooting as long as I have, (20+ years) you have ups and downs. But I seem to remember shooting better than I do now. My knees hurt when I lean. My elbow starts to ache when I shoot too much. It takes more "Aiming Juice" to get me loose than it did when I was (OK I'll say it) YOUNGER. Darts is more than a hobby. It calms you down when your stressed, it stresses you out when your calm. It builds you self esteem and humbles you at the same time. That's why you get hooked. The first time you hit what your aiming at, or hit your first ton, you get hooked. Those of you that play know what I am talking about. There is nothing like playing somebody who is a really good shooter and coming from behind to beat them. To me, it's a rush, a good clean rush of adrenalin that boosts you up. That's why I play. That's why I built the trophy for the league. That's why I spend my time running LOD's and trying to get people involved. If you feel the same, join my blog.

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